Fun With Formats!

Powders: For a lot of brands just starting out, powders are a very low-barrier to entry option. They are easier to produce, cheaper to ship, and the shelf life is much easier to manage. Some of our clients make some extremely innovative powdered products, without the need for high level investment right off the bat. While the go-to thought for powders is often hydration or green nutrition because of the dominant brands in the powder market, there’s actually a ton of versatility for functional powders. 

Tinctures & Concentrates: Small format bottles like tinctures and concentrates are great. Versatile combinations give consumers some room to mix & match flavors and strengths to their preference in a way that feels personal & exciting.  Everyone from the avid home mixologist to the curious novice can create their own concoctions. The customizable function can generate consumer made content & innovation inspiration for future product lines. The logistics and cost savings during shipping are an added bonus for the brand. 

Sachets & Infusion Kits: While these formats can require a bit more time to use than aforementioned formats, there's still tons of bonus points.  Along with the lowered logistics costs the above benefit from, sachets and infusion kits are less common which add an element of intrigue & less shelf competition. Sachets & Infusion Kits are meant to be steeped in the liquid of your choice. They can impart not only bold flavors & vibrant colors, but often include whole elements like dried fruits and botanicals that can look stunning in a bottle, perfect for the display bar cart. 

According to all you Dry Atlas readers that participated in the recent survey, unconventional product formats aren’t unpopular. 83% of Dry Atlas newsletter readers like them:

- Droppers (e.g., bitters, tinctures) topped the list at 67%

- Sachets (e.g., SAYSO) weren’t far behind; one third like them

- One quarter like powders

- One quarter like concentrates

Only 17% of readers said they stick to bottles and cans.

Future Flavors:  

Spill the Tea: It's tea time! We’ve been getting a ton of requests for incorporating teas into RTDs. Whether tea is the star of the show or playing a supporting role in the profile, adding tea is a great way to incorporate complex flavors, regional or cultural callouts and if desired, caffeine. 

Buzzword Brews: Historically, people love fermentation. While it’s essential in the alcohol world, the popularity of Kombucha bridged ferments into the NA demographic. Ferments incorporate layers of flavor complexity that can really elevate a drink. 


To Be Drank (TBD*)


Dry Atlas: Working with Your Formulator