To Be Drank (TBD*)

What Consumers will be drinking more of

Form & Function: With the ubiquity of functional beverages nationwide, we are starting to see some savvy brands take a closer look at what exactly they want their product to do. An evening beverage is one thing, but some people are looking for something to help with digestion on top of a good night's rest. Energy tonics are all the rage, but energy for work and energy for parties are two very different things, with different ingredients to address them. When building a drink think about the moment it’ll bring. The ingredients, sales channels, marketing and vibe are shaped by the occasion. The more consumers start to get choosy with what their drinks can do, the more brands there will be to serve those more specific needs. 

Just Make it Good: There are a lot of things people are looking for in their products - low sugar, no preservatives, organic certifications, and so on. Sometimes, it's worth it to just make the best tasting thing you possibly can, using the best ingredients you can reasonably get your hands on. Some excellent products (like the Phony Negroni) forgo limiting sugar entirely to delicious effect, but focusing on indulgence can hit a sweet spot for folks just craving a good time above all else. 

Some of the well known certifications are starting to lose their luster. At Ley Line Labs, we certainly get people looking to make products using some organic ingredients, but pay certification agencies to license the product? No way. This is doubly true with more cutting techniques, like wild foraged ingredients, which are automatically disqualified from being organic. As long as the product is good, brands (and formulators) are starting to trust the consumer to make the right call. 

Pioneering Pours: When Non-Alc first started hitting shelves most products were replicants of their alcoholic counterparts These days some brands are owning their individuality, and it’s paying off. Sometimes, an Old Fashions can be a little .. old fashion.  While there are some excellent options for your classic cocktails, going beyond and bold has its benefits. For starters, there’s no comparison between someone's association with what a drink should taste like, and what the new drink tastes like. Additionally, it’s not a deterrent for folks who either don’t want an alcoholic association or have never drank, thusly wouldn’t even know what a Margarita is.

Some excellent products (like Tilden) focus on truly breaking away from the old alcoholic mold. Showcasing exploration over recreation can be a great way to set your brand apart and grab the attention of consumers perusing the shelf. 

Travel in a Can: The CPG space has seen the success of brands inspired by regions and cultures presented in their flavor profiles. Cultural associations can tap into brand/founder stories that resonate with a large group of consumers via their own connection with the culture or intrigue individuals who want to explore something new to them. Having a region to tie back to gives brands a whole pool of ingredients to showcase & flavor combinations they know work - while still leaving room for creativity. If this is the route you chose, make sure it’s a culture you can represent with wholesome intention & integrity.


Libation Narration; identity crisis


Fun With Formats!